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A Networking Platform for Business People

GBX North America welcome you!

GLOBAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE (GBX) established in September 2021, with its headquarter in Hong Kong, is a non-profit business networking platform. We rapidly grow into a group with international chapters and increasing number of professional and business members. Visit for more information.

Growing Fast
Growing Wide
Growing International
  • GBX Hong Kong 香港
  • GBX Macau 澳門
  • GBX Shenzhen 深圳
  • GBX Foshan 佛山
  • GBX Zhuhai 珠海
  • GBX Qianhai 前海
  • GBX Shanghai 上海
  • GBX North America 北美
  • GBX Bay Area 灣區
  • GBX Singapore 新加坡
  • GBX Webinar
  • GBX Kirin Business Club 麒麟社
  • GBX 經貿交流
  • GBX 大健康
  • GBX 吃喝玩樂
  • GBX 創青荟
  • GBX Innovation & Technology 創科

GBX 珠澳分部成立慶典,八月廿六日。GBX 總部設在香港,今年九月一号是兩歲生日,将會在九月十六日慶祝,到时会有过百会员由各地齊集,從上海,新加坡,大湾区各城市專程來港。九月十五日温哥華会舉辦北美分会成立,会員齊集午宴。

Recent Events
GBX North America Inauguration Luncheon

GBX North America Inauguration Luncheon

While GBX Network in Hong Kong is celebrating the secondary anniversary, GBX North America had its inauguration luncheon held in…

Visit Indonesian Trade Promotion Center

Visit Indonesian Trade Promotion Center

After lunch with GBX guests at Downtown Vancouver, we visited Indonesian Trade Promotion Center on January 17, 2023. We had…

GBX Booth At Metaverse Asia Expo

GBX booth at Metaverse Asia Expo

The GBX was a sponsor of Metaverse Asia Expo 2022 and set up a virtual booth during the exhibition. Viewers…

Tawwassen Container Port Tour

Tawwassen Container Port Tour

After the seminar on “Today’s Supply Chains Logistics & Challenges” by Jamie Wong of Amstrong Moving, the GBX had organized…

Meet the Team
Winston Hui
Chairman, GBX Network
Michael Eng
President, GBX Network
Thomas Yau
President, GBX North America
Winnie Wong
Vice President
Tommy Mah
Honorary Member
Stephen S. Cheung
Executive Member
Savio Wong
Executive Member
Dr. Daniel Shu
Honorary Member
Ming Chan
Honorary Member
John Lee
Honorary Member
Opportunity & Knowledge Sharing

Together, we make the world better.

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